Top 6 Weird, Innovative, and Hilarious findings in the Ethereum Blockchain

Reid JS
3 min readMar 31, 2018


It’s hard to deny Ethereum’s popularity stems from its tokens. Any user with a few hours and about 15 USD can permanently etch their coin into the blockchain. I work at Amberdata where we monitor and analyze the Ethereum blockchain which has revealed a treasure trove of hilarious and interesting data. In case you were wondering, yes there are a TON of explicit coins that I am going to leave off this list.

#6: EOS isn’t actually named EOS

The top coin by Market Cap is far and away EOS. However, it looks like when they deployed the contract they forgot to actually fill in the name variable.

#5: Every top coin has at least a dozen clones and copycats. Coins are not like domain names, be careful what you’re buying.

#4: This address that appears to be playing an RPG on the chain. I personally think this is a brilliant use-case.

#3: Registering real estate using the type of building as the symbol and its address as the name. I’ll go out on a limb and assume this a landlord who accepts crypto for rent.

#2: I mined this just for you! This block holds only a single (MASSIVE!) transaction between two accounts. Apparently this is actually quite common and there are even hundreds of blocks with zero transactions.

#1: You can use emojis and crazy unicode in your token names and symbols, expect to see a lot more of these in the near future. Foxywolfy’s address

There’s over 5 million blocks that make up Ethereum’s blockchain and I guarantee we will uncover some more surprises. What gems can you find in the blockchain?



Reid JS
Reid JS

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